An element that displays in one quadrant of the screen.

The current quadrant is stored in a data attribute [data-quadrant] as the name of the quadrant (@see Quadrant)

Changing the quadrant via Quadrant->setQuadrant will emit the event ChangeQuadrant with the parameters being the new quadrant and the old quadrant.

Changing the quadrant will not affect other elements: this is the responsisibility of the parent.




actionSlotTooltipHandler: default = ...
addSlotButton: default = ...
autoSelectPrimaryUse?: boolean
bringSlotsAcrossSaves?: boolean
configurationDrawer: default = ...
defaultModifiersOrder: string = ActionBarBindableManager.DEFAULT_ACTION_BAR_ROW_MODIFIER_ORDER
entered: boolean = false
globalSlots?: IActionBarSlotData[]
log: default
metaButtons: default<HTMLElement> = ...
observing?: boolean
removeSlotButton: default = ...
removed?: string | boolean
scrollableHandler: void = ...
showBindings?: boolean
slotsContainer: default<HTMLElement> = ...
toggleUseWhenMovingButton: CheckButton = ...
preferredQuadrant: Quadrant = Quadrant.Bottom


  • get childCount(): number
  • The number of child elements of this component.

    Returns number

  • get configuringNumber(): undefined | number
  • Returns undefined | number

  • get dataset(): DOMStringMap
  • The dataset of the internal element.

    Returns DOMStringMap

  • get element(): E
  • The element that this Component instance wraps.

    Returns E

  • get preferredQuadrant(): Quadrant
  • Returns Quadrant

  • get quadrant(): Quadrant
  • Returns Quadrant

  • get quadrantName(): "None" | "Top" | "Bottom" | "TopRight" | "BottomRight" | "BottomLeft" | "TopLeft" | "Any"
  • Returns "None" | "Top" | "Bottom" | "TopRight" | "BottomRight" | "BottomLeft" | "TopLeft" | "Any"

  • get selectable(): false | SelectableLayer
  • The selectable layer of this element, or false if it is not selectable.

    Returns false | SelectableLayer


  • Alias of .element.addEventListener, except it returns this instead and prevents memory leaks

    Type Parameters

    • K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap


    • type: K
    • listener: ((this: HTMLElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any)
        • (this: HTMLElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]): any
        • Parameters

          • this: HTMLElement
          • ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]

          Returns any

    • Optional options: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions

    Returns default

  • Returns default

  • Appends every element of a list of components/elements.


    • Rest ...elements: ArrayOfIterablesOr<undefined | false | HTMLElement | default<HTMLElement>>

      A varargs list of elements or iterables of elements. Falsy values are skipped

    Returns default

  • Appends every element of a list of components/elements.


    • appendStrategy: AppendStrategy

      Where in this component to insert new components. See AppendStrategy

    • Rest ...elements: ArrayOfIterablesOr<undefined | false | HTMLElement | default<HTMLElement>>

      A varargs list of elements or iterables of elements. Falsy values are skipped

    Returns default

  • Appends this component to another element, by selector, element, or component.


    • Optional where: null | string | HTMLElement | default<HTMLElement>

      A CSS selector, an element, or a component to append this component to.

    • Optional appendStrategy: AppendStrategy

      Where in the new container to insert this component. See AppendStrategy

    Returns default

  • An alias for element.closest(selector)


    • selector: string

    Returns null | Element

  • Parameters

    • number: number

    Returns void

  • Returns whether this component contains the given element.


    • Optional what: null | string | Node | default<HTMLElement>

    Returns boolean

  • Removes all children.

    Returns default

  • Removes all children that are not filtered out with the given filter function.


    • Optional filter: ((element: HTMLElement, component?: default<HTMLElement>) => boolean)

      A function that returns true if the child should be kept.

        • (element: HTMLElement, component?: default<HTMLElement>): boolean
        • Parameters

          • element: HTMLElement
          • Optional component: default<HTMLElement>

          Returns boolean

    Returns default

  • Returns void

  • Returns boolean

  • An alias for element.querySelectorAll(selector)

    Type Parameters

    • E extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement


    • selector: string

    Returns NodeListOf<E>

  • Returns default

  • Type Parameters


    • cls: Class<C, any[]>

    Returns undefined | C

  • A cached alias for element.getBoundingClientRect(). Boxes are updated or regenerated as ancestors shift.


    • regenIfZero: boolean = true
    • forceRegen: boolean = false

    Returns default

  • Returns a stream of this component's child components. Child elements that don't have associated components will be undefined.

    Type Parameters


    • Optional selector: string

      A selector that each element must match to be included in the result stream

    Returns Stream<C>

  • Returns this component's containing dialog, if it exists.

    Type Parameters

    Returns null | D

  • Returns the index of this component amongst its sibling nodes. If it has no parent, it returns undefined.


    • elementsOnly: boolean = false

    Returns undefined | number

  • Returns this component's containing menu, if it exists.

    Type Parameters

    Returns null | M

  • The name is displayed in the Move To context menu option, and in the Switch With options

    Returns default

  • Returns the nth child, defaulting to the first child

    Type Parameters

    • C extends undefined | default<HTMLElement> = undefined | default<HTMLElement>


    • nth: number = 0

    Returns undefined | C

  • Returns an object containing HTMLElement.offsetTop and HTMLElement.offsetLeft

    Returns {
        left: number;
        top: number;

    • left: number
    • top: number
  • Returns this component's parent component, if it exists.

    Type Parameters

    • C extends undefined | default<HTMLElement> = undefined | default<HTMLElement>

    Returns null | C

  • Returns this component's containing dialog, if it exists.

    Returns null | default

  • Type Parameters

    Returns null | S

  • Returns Stream<ActionSlot>

  • Parameters

    Returns undefined | ReadonlySet<number>

  • Hides the element. If a tooltip is shown for this element, hides that as well.

    Returns default

  • Parameters

    • region: "left" | "top" | "bottom" | "right" | "middle"

    Returns boolean

  • Returns boolean

  • Returns boolean

  • Returns whether the element is visible.

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • selector: string

    Returns boolean

  • Enables a intersection observe on this component and fires an observe event once when the element is first observed

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • reason: "focus" | "mouse"

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • reason: "remove" | "focus" | "mouse"

    Returns void

  • Returns boolean

  • Returns void

  • Parameters

    Returns boolean

  • Returns void

  • Type Parameters

    • N extends Node = Node


    • selector: string

    Returns null | N

  • Type Parameters

    • N extends Node = Node


    • selector: string

    Returns N[]

  • Parameters

    • reason: string

    Returns void

  • Returns void

  • Forcibly regenerates the cached result of Component.getBox for this component and all descendants.


    • descendants: boolean = true

    Returns void

  • Returns void

  • Removes this element and all descendants.

    Returns default

  • Type Parameters

    • K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap


    • type: K
    • listener: ((this: HTMLElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any)
        • (this: HTMLElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]): any
        • Parameters

          • this: HTMLElement
          • ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]

          Returns any

    Returns default

  • Returns default

  • Returns void

  • Triggers a repaint on this element.

    Returns void

  • Runs the given callback with the given arguments. this and the first argument are this element.

    Type Parameters

    • A extends any[]


    • Optional cb: ((this: default, component: default, ...args: A) => any)

      The callback to run.

    • Rest ...args: A

      The arguments with which to call the callback.

    Returns default

  • Runs the given callback with the given arguments. this and the first argument are this element.


    • Optional cb: ((this: default, component: default) => any)

      The callback to run.

    • Rest ...args: any[]

      The arguments with which to call the callback.

    Returns default

  • Runs the given callback with the given arguments, after the specified amount of time. this and the first argument are this element.

    Type Parameters

    • A extends any[]


    • ms: number

      The amount of time to wait before running the callback, in milliseconds.

    • cb: ((this: default, component: default, ...args: A) => any)

      The callback to run.

    • Rest ...args: A

      The arguments with which to call the callback.

    Returns default

  • Runs the given callback with the given arguments, after the specified amount of time. this and the first argument are this element.


    • ms: number

      The amount of time to wait before running the callback, in milliseconds.

    • Optional cb: ((this: default, component: default) => any)

      The callback to run.

    • Rest ...args: any[]

      The arguments with which to call the callback.

    Returns default

  • Runs the given callback with the given arguments, after the specified amount of time. this and the first argument are this element.

    Type Parameters

    • A extends any[]


    • ms: number

      The amount of time to wait before running the callback, in milliseconds.

    • debounce: number

      The span of time to debounce in. (If this callback was scheduled again in this time, skip this earlier call)

    • cb: ((this: default, component: default, ...args: A) => any)

      The callback to run.

    • Rest ...args: A

      The arguments with which to call the callback.

    Returns default

  • Runs the given callback with the given arguments, after the specified amount of time. this and the first argument are this element.


    • ms: number

      The amount of time to wait before running the callback, in milliseconds.

    • debounce: number

      The span of time to debounce in. (If this callback was scheduled again in this time, skip this earlier call)

    • Optional cb: ((this: default, component: default) => any)

      The callback to run.

    • Rest ...args: any[]

      The arguments with which to call the callback.

    Returns default

  • Scrolls this element so the given child is at the top of the viewport.


    • Optional child: HTMLElement | default<HTMLElement>

      The child to scroll to

    • Optional ms: number

      The time to take, defaulting to 1000 (1 second)

    Returns void

  • Scrolls this element so the given child is at the top of the viewport.


    • child: undefined | HTMLElement | default<HTMLElement>

      The child to scroll to

    • offsetTop: number

      An offset for the position to scroll to, relative to the position of the child

    • Optional ms: number

      The time to take, defaulting to 1000 (1 second)

    Returns void

  • Sets the contents of this element using innerHTML.


    • html: string

      The content, an HTML string. Script tags will not be executed, as per the normal functionality of innerHTML

    • escape: boolean = false

      Only the text within the HTML will be appended, not the tags.

    Returns default

  • Removes the context menu from this element.

    Returns default

  • Sets the context menu for this element.


    • generator: ((contextMenu: ContextMenu, api: IBindHandlerApi) => undefined | ContextMenu)
        • (contextMenu: ContextMenu, api: IBindHandlerApi): undefined | ContextMenu
        • Parameters

          Returns undefined | ContextMenu

    • Optional priority: number

    Returns default

  • Warning: This method will replace the internal element backing this component.

    Only call this directly after constructing the element.


    • element: HTMLElement

    Returns default

  • Warning: This method will replace the internal element backing this component.

    Only call this directly after constructing the element.


    • Optional elementType: string
    • Optional namespace: SVG

    Returns default

  • Sets the ID of this component's element.


    • id: string

    Returns default

  • Parameters

    • initialSelection: boolean = true

    Returns default

  • Changes the quadrant of this element, then emits the ChangeQuadrant event with the parameters being the new quadrant and the old quadrant.

    Does not emit the event if the quadrant is not changing.


    • quadrant: Quadrant
    • trigger: boolean = true

    Returns default

  • Parameters

    • property: string
    • value: string | number

    Returns default

  • Sets the tooltip options for this element. Setting the tooltip to undefined, or not providing the argument removes the tooltip options.

    Type Parameters

    • ARGS extends any[]


    • Optional initializer: ((tooltip: default, ...args: ARGS) => any)
        • (tooltip: default, ...args: ARGS): any
        • Parameters

          • tooltip: default
          • Rest ...args: ARGS

          Returns any

    • Rest ...args: ARGS

    Returns default

  • Shows the element.

    Returns default

  • Returns a stream of this component's sibling components. Child elements that don't have associated components will be undefined.

    Type Parameters


    • Optional selector: string

      A selector that each element must match to be included in the result stream

    Returns Stream<C>

  • Returns

    a promise that resolves when either the given time has passed, or this component has been removed. Returns true if this component exists, false if it has been removed.


    • ms: number

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Moves this element to a hidden element, in order to retain any information the element had. This allows the element to be re-appended later without re-adding event handlers, CSS, or any other data.


    Returns default

  • Toggles the visibility of this element. Internally uses show and hide.


    • visible: boolean = ...

      The new visiblity of this element.

    Returns default

  • Parameters

    • selector: string

    Returns Stream<default<HTMLElement>>

  • Parameters

    • elementToMove: string | HTMLElement | default<HTMLElement>
    • placeToAppendTo: string | HTMLElement | default<HTMLElement>
    • strategy: AppendStrategy = "append"

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • inElement: HTMLElement | default<HTMLElement>
    • selector: string
    • includeSelf: boolean = false

    Returns HTMLElement[]

  • Parameters

    • selector: string

    Returns undefined | default<HTMLElement>

  • Parameters

    • element: Element | default<HTMLElement>

    Returns default<HTMLElement>

  • Parameters

    • event: Event

    Returns default<HTMLElement>

  • Parameters

    • element: undefined | null | false | Element | default<HTMLElement>

    Returns undefined | default<HTMLElement>

  • Parameters

    • selector: string
    • create: undefined | false

    Returns undefined | default<HTMLElement>

  • Parameters

    • element: Element | default<HTMLElement>
    • create: undefined | false

    Returns undefined | default<HTMLElement>

  • Parameters

    • event: Event
    • create: undefined | false

    Returns undefined | default<HTMLElement>

  • Parameters

    • element: undefined | null | false | Element | default<HTMLElement>
    • create: undefined | false

    Returns undefined | default<HTMLElement>

  • Type Parameters


    • selector: string

    Returns undefined | C

  • Type Parameters


    • element: Element | C

    Returns C

  • Type Parameters


    • event: Event

    Returns C

  • Type Parameters


    • element: undefined | null | false | Element | C

    Returns undefined | C

  • Type Parameters


    • selector: string
    • create: undefined | false

    Returns undefined | C

  • Type Parameters


    • element: Element | C
    • create: undefined | false

    Returns undefined | C

  • Type Parameters


    • event: Event
    • create: undefined | false

    Returns undefined | C

  • Type Parameters


    • element: undefined | null | false | Element | C
    • create: undefined | false

    Returns undefined | C

  • Parameters

    • element: HTMLElement | default<HTMLElement>

    Returns number | false

  • Parameters

    • elementToRemove: null | string | Element | ChildNode | default<HTMLElement>
    • force: boolean = false

    Returns void

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