chanceOfGivingCompletedMap: number = DEFAULT_ITEM_MAP_CHANCE_COMPLETED
By default, 10% chance of becoming associated with an already-completed map.
chanceOfGivingMapFromOtherIsland: number = DEFAULT_ITEM_MAP_CHANCE_OTHER_ISLAND
By default, 50% chance of, rather than becoming associated with an already-completed map,
instead becoming associated with a map on another island.
Note: If there are no maps on the current island, will always become associated with a map on another island regardless of chance.
If the associated map is already on the given island, does nothing. If not, associates the map with a map on the given island,
chosen by the given properties:
islandId: `${number},${number}`
completed: boolean
Whether the associated map should be a completed one
randomDecimal: number
A decimal to use to choose which map on this island to use
Returns boolean
setObfuscation(amount: number): boolean
If this item is linked to a map, sets the obfuscation of this instance to the given amount
If this item is a tattered map or a drawn map, this will return its associated