

color?: string | ((entity: default<unknown, number, unknown>, stat: IStat) => string)

The CSS variable to use for the stat bar color Defaults to white

darkColor?: string | ((entity: default<unknown, number, unknown>, stat: IStat) => string)

The CSS variable to use for the background of the stat bar Defaults to black

displayOrder?: number

For the order this stat displays in. Smaller numbers appear higher in the list.

Not providing displayPriority uses 100.

displayType?: StatDisplayType

Defaults to StatDisplayType.Auto

imageCount?: number

The number of alternate textures that this image has. Not supported for most things.

imagePath?: string | ((entity: default<unknown, number, unknown>, stat: IStat) => string)

A replacement image to use. Used in modding.

modIndex?: number

Do not provide or modify this value, only reference it. This is set by the modding system during the process of registration.

onChange?: ((statElement: default<HTMLElement>, entity: default<unknown, number, unknown>, stat: IStat, oldValue?: number) => void)[]

Handlers for when the stat changes. Called when the stat changes & when the stat max changes.

rgbColor?: string | ((entity: default<unknown, number, unknown>, stat: IStat) => string)

The CSS variable to use for the stat bar color in RGB format Defaults to white

subscribeCalculateEquipmentStats?: true
tooltip?: Reference | ((tooltip: default, entity: default<unknown, number, unknown>, stat: IStat) => any)

A function that will initialize a tooltip for this stat element, or a reference to show a tooltip for


  • Requires StatDisplayType.Attribute.

    For overriding the normal formatted output of a stat.


    • entity: default<unknown, number, unknown>
    • Optional stat: IStat

    Returns default

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