Interface ITerrainRegistrationDescription



aboveType?: OptionalDescriptions<BiomeType, TerrainType>

The water terrain type that is a step above, or a less deep version of itself (which has specific rules based on the biometype).

animated?: boolean
background?: TerrainType
baseTerrain?: TerrainType
burnItem?: ItemType
caveSwitch?: TerrainType

The tile to switch to when collapsing or opening up a cave entrance.

civilizationScore?: number

The amount of civilization score to give when building this.

contaminatedType?: OptionalDescriptions<WaterType, TerrainType>

The reversed or contaminated type that this water turns into.

cooledTile?: TerrainType

Puddles will cool down tiles and create the following TerrainType on this tile.

decayTemperatureRange?: IDecayTemperatureRange
deepWater?: boolean
defaultItem?: ItemType
diesInto?: OptionalDescriptions<BiomeType, TerrainType>

When this tile dies via the "isGrass" property, this is what the tile turns into.

durability?: ItemType

Bases the durability on an item type. Any item that has a SetDown action should have this set for the matching terrain type.

flammable?: boolean
freshWater?: boolean
gather?: boolean
gatherSkillUse?: SkillType
hasMound?: boolean
ice?: boolean
isCave?: boolean

is either a cave entrance or collapsed cave entrance. Used for multiple checks.

isGrass?: boolean

When tilling this terrain, you will attempt to dig up the grass instead.

isMountain?: boolean
isMountainGround?: boolean
isOre?: boolean
leftOvers?: ILeftOverTile[]
meltFromItem?: ItemType

Item that defines the decay amount when this doodad is melting.

meltsInto?: TileEventType[]

Array of tile events that are spawned when terrain decays (or melts).

modIndex?: number

Do not provide or modify this value, only reference it. This is set by the modding system during the process of registration.

noBackground?: boolean
noLos?: boolean
noResting?: boolean
particles?: IRGB
passable?: boolean
preventBuilding?: boolean | Set<DoodadType>

Set to true to prevent building things on the tile. Or set it to a list of allowed doodad types that can be built on the tile.

puddleType?: TileEventType

The type of puddle it produces when splashed.

reduceRest?: boolean
renderOverOtherMountains?: boolean
resources?: ITerrainLootItem[]
shallowWater?: true
sound?: SfxType
swampWater?: boolean
temperature?: number

The temperature produced by this terrain. When not provided, uses Temperature.Neutral.

terrainType?: TerrainType
tileOnConsume?: OptionalDescriptions<BiomeType, TerrainType>

Tile to create when consuming the tile (in the case of gathering/drinking water)

tillable?: boolean
updateNeighbors?: true

Update neighbors when the tile type is involved

useDoodadLikeAdaptor?: boolean

True if the terrain sprite is like a doodad

water?: true
waterBaseType?: TerrainType

Base version of the water used for tilemapping.

waterTerrainOnDig?: TerrainType

Terrain that water tile becomes when dug up using the dig action.

waterTerrainOnRoute?: TerrainType

Terrain that a tile becomes when routed using the dig action.

wet?: boolean

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