
  • ITreasureMapGenerationSettings


caveTreasure: {
    chance: IRange;
    distanceForMaximumChance: number;

Configuration for how treasure maps should spawn in caves

Type declaration

  • chance: IRange

    A range where the minimum is the cave treasure chance at island 0,0 and the maximum is the cave treasure chance at a distance >= maxDistance

  • distanceForMaximumChance: number

    A number representing a distance from island 0,0 where the max amount of cave treasures spawn.

extraTreasuresChance: number

A decimal chance of whether additional treasures should be generated. This chance is rolled for every additional treasure in the treasures range

islandPadding: number

The minimum distance from the edge of the world that a treasure can be at

mapPadding: number

The minimum distance a treasure can be from the edge of a treasure map

radius: IRange

The map's dimensions, x & y, will be radius * 2 + 1

treasureMaps: IRange

The number of treasure maps an island can have

treasures: IRange

The number of treasures a map can contain. extraTreasuresChance determines the chance of subsequent treasures after all required treasures have been placed, and is rerolled for each subsequent treasure

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