...items: (undefined | default)[]Rest
...skills: [skill: SkillType, multiplier?: number, actionTier?: number, bypass?: true][]Optional
multiplier: numberOptional
actionTier: numberOptional
bypass: trueChecks to see if a protected item can be used
Check if a creature on a tile and blocking the execution of the action
When checking before the action is being executed: true if a creature is on a tile and that creature is not hidden, false otherwise
When checking when the action is being execute true if a creature is on a tile, false otherwise
Removes all items added via addItems
Removes specific items added by addItems
...items: (undefined | default)[]Optional
replace: booleanSets that the items added to this action by addItems
were "used" (so they will be damaged afterward).
Sets whether the items added to this action by addItems
were "used" (IE, whether they will be damaged).
used: booleanOptional
data: numberOptional
count: numberOptional
inFront: booleanOptional
inFront: booleanOptional
turnType: TurnTypeFlagOptional
inFront: booleanOptional
skill: SkillTypeOptional
actionTier: numberOptional
updateFov: booleanGenerated using TypeDoc
The items passed to this method will be registered as items potentially to be damaged when the action completes.