...items: (undefined | default)[]Rest
...skills: [skill: SkillType, multiplier?: number, actionTier?: number, bypass?: true][]Optional
multiplier: numberOptional
actionTier: numberOptional
bypass: trueChecks to see if a protected item can be used
Check if a creature on a tile and blocking the execution of the action
When checking before the action is being executed: true if a creature is on a tile and that creature is not hidden, false otherwise
When checking when the action is being execute true if a creature is on a tile, false otherwise
Removes all items added via addItems
Removes specific items added by addItems
...items: (undefined | default)[]Optional
replace: booleanOptional
data: numberOptional
count: numberOptional
inFront: booleanOptional
inFront: booleanOptional
turnType: TurnTypeFlagOptional
inFront: booleanOptional
skill: SkillTypeOptional
actionTier: numberOptional
updateFov: booleanGenerated using TypeDoc
The items passed to this method will be registered as items potentially to be damaged when the action completes.