

containerOptions?: IContainerOptions

If this is a doodad/item container, you can set this to true to make the doodad/item considered one where you can only "place items onto" the doodad/item, rather than storing the items within the doodad/item.

  • Changes messages when putting items in the container to "placed onto" via placedOnToMessage
  • Prevents using the item as a container when in your inventory via preventUsingItemAsContainerInInventory
  • Prevents picking up the doodad when items are inside via preventPickingUpDoodadWhenItemsAreInside
decayMax?: number

number of game ticks until decay

imageCount?: number

The number of alternate textures that this image has. Not supported for most things.

imagePath?: string

A replacement image to use. Used in modding.

preservationChance?: number

Chance that things will decay inside it

skillUse?: SkillType
spawnOnWorldGen?: OptionalDescriptions<BiomeType, OptionalDescriptions<WorldZ, OptionalDescriptions<TerrainType, number>>>
storeDecay?: boolean

Set to true if we want to store decay, but not have it active (in the case of torches)

weightCapacity?: number

container maximum weight

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