Enumeration Members

Aptitude_CraftingBonus: 22

Increased effectiveness (quality and chance) of crafts when using this in crafts.

ElementalDamage: 28

Adds a cold or fire damage type to a weapon.

Encircling_DoodadSkill: 27

Adds a property that emits skill bonus to anybody within range (3x3 square) of the doodad.

Endurance_DurabilityLossChance: 17

Adds a chance in which an item does reduce in durability when taking damage.

Ensnaring_TrapDamage: 12

Increases a trap's damage.

Fanaticism_Deity: 7

Improves invoking and sacrifice chances.

Featherweight: 4

Decreases item weight to a minimum of 0.1.

Glowing_EquipmentLightBonus: 26

Adds "light" to any piece of equipment/weapon.

Guarding_Defense: 1

Increases defense value for anything equippable.

Hoarding_MaxDecay: 16

Increases an item's decay value, making it last longer.

Hurling_ThrowDamage: 20

Adds damage, range, and reduces stamina used when throwing items. It also removes the heavy item reduction when calculating the range.

Illumination_LightItemLightBonus: 2

Increases the illumination strength of torches/candles.

Insulation: 19

Increases the insulation effect of any equippable item or container.

Lightening_PlayerWeightMax: 13

Increases the player's max weight when equipped.

Magnitude_WeightCapacity: 3

Increases the amount of weight/items that can be contained.

Offering: 21

Adds tame length and disables chance to fail taming when attempting to offer to aberrant creatures.

Persistence_MaxDurability: 30

Adds bonus durability to an item.

Potency_ImproveConsumableStats: 10

Increases the stats normally gained when consuming/using an item.

Power_Attack: 0

Increases attack value (for weapons and ammo).

Preservation_ContainedItemsDecayRate: 15

Increases the preservation rate of a container of all contained items.

Progress_CivScore: 24

Adds a bonus to the item's civilization score value.

Prosperity_TerrainGrowingSpeed: 25

Adds a bonus to the growth speed for plants and mushrooms planted on it.

Range: 9

Increases the range in which a weapon can shoot a projectile or fishing pole/net can be thrown.

Regeneration_DurabilityRegen: 23

Has a chance to regenerate durability every turn.

Skill: 6

Increases a skill when equipped.

Stat: 5

Increases a stat when equipped.

StatPotency_EquipmentImproveConsumableStats: 29

Adds a property to equippables that will enhance the effect of consumables in a given stat.

Stoking: 18

Increases the stoking value of an item, adding more decay to a fire source.

Storing_ContainedItemsWeight: 14

Reduces the weight of each item contained within by a certain percentage if the item has reducedStoredItemsWeight set. This does not change the container's weight capacity.

Unused: 8
Worth: 11

Increases the merchant sell value on an item.

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