


date?: Date
major: number
minor: number
name?: string
patch: number
stage: "beta" | "release"
str: String
strSemver: StringSemVer
update?: number

A number representing the patch (if beta) or minor (if release), used when the stage is not known


  • Returns default

  • Returns undefined | default

  • Returns whether this version is greater than or equal to the given version. This can be used, for example, to see if a save or mod was created/edited after a specific thing was implemented.


    Returns boolean

  • Returns whether this version is greater than or equal to the given version. This can be used, for example, to see if a save or mod was created/edited after a specific thing was implemented.


    Returns boolean

  • Returns whether this version is older than the given version.


    Returns boolean

  • Returns whether this version is older than the given build time.

    Note: Always returns true if this version object doesn't have a date set.


    • dateStr: `jan ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:${bigint}` | `jan ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:00` | `jan ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:${bigint}` | `jan ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:00` | `feb ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:${bigint}` | `feb ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:00` | `feb ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:${bigint}` | `feb ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:00` | `mar ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:${bigint}` | `mar ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:00` | `mar ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:${bigint}` | `mar ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:00` | `apr ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:${bigint}` | `apr ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:00` | `apr ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:${bigint}` | `apr ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:00` | `may ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:${bigint}` | `may ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:00` | `may ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:${bigint}` | `may ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:00` | `jun ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:${bigint}` | `jun ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:00` | `jun ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:${bigint}` | `jun ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:00` | `jul ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:${bigint}` | `jul ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:00` | `jul ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:${bigint}` | `jul ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:00` | `aug ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:${bigint}` | `aug ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:00` | `aug ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:${bigint}` | `aug ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:00` | `sep ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:${bigint}` | `sep ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:00` | `sep ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:${bigint}` | `sep ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:00` | `oct ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:${bigint}` | `oct ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:00` | `oct ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:${bigint}` | `oct ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:00` | `nov ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:${bigint}` | `nov ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:00` | `nov ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:${bigint}` | `nov ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:00` | `dec ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:${bigint}` | `dec ${bigint} ${bigint} ${bigint}:00` | `dec ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:${bigint}` | `dec ${bigint} ${bigint} 00:00`
    • timezone: "build" | "nz" | "pst"

    Returns boolean

  • Returns whether this version is compatible with the game's version. This is used to check, for example, if a mod is compatible with the game's version.

    • Compatible versions in "beta" stage require identical stage, major, minor, and a patch less than or equal to the current patch.
    • Compatible versions in "release" stage require identical stage and major, and a minor and patch less than or equal to the current minor and patch.

    Returns boolean

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