action: IActionDescription<A, E, R, CU, ActionArgumentTupleTypes<A>>Readonly
...skills: [SkillType, number?, number?, true?][]Optional
amount: numberOptional
actionTier: numberOptional
bypass: trueChecks to see if a protected item can be used
Check if an action can be used. When used within an action, the result will automatically be processed. So it will send a message to the executor / check for mobs depending on the result.
...args: AVRest
...args: AVAlternate version of canUse that allows you to specify the facing point. Use with caution as this probably won't work for some actions
...args: AVOptional
argumentTypes: ActionArgument[]Rest
...args: AVProtected
handleCheck if a creature on a tile and blocking the execution of the action
When checking before the action is being executed: true if a creature is on a tile and that creature is not hidden, false otherwise
When checking when the action is being execute true if a creature is on a tile, false otherwise
Prompts the user about something
...args: PromptDescriptionArgs<PROMPT>Optional
inFront: booleanOptional
count: numberOptional
inFront: booleanOptional
turnType: TurnTypeFlagOptional
inFront: booleanStatic
nonMpActionExecutor: default<(ActionArgument | ActionArgument[])[], default<unknown, number, unknown, unknown>, any, any, any[]>Static
getGets an action by its description. If you're using the Action class for constructing the descriptions, just pass the action instance.
Note: Prefer IActionApi.get
if you're calling this from within another action.
Generated using TypeDoc
Check if the action has setup CanUse logic